Even Google, Reddit and Amazon are paying Adblock Plus developers

Around the Adblock Plus browser extension, there are many debates and disagreements. Some claim that to block ads, a list must be compiled that can be exchanged for a third of the advertising budget. Others argue that Adblock Plus is a kind of advertising mafia, which has its partners and clients in the advertising industry.
Recently, it was revealed that the company receives substantial sums of money from well-known search engines to prevent their ad extensions from being blocked on websites. This information has exploded across the World Wide Web. To clarify the situation, Till Faida, a representative of Adblock Plus, explained some details.
According to Till, the search company Google and Yandex indeed pays Adblock Plus to ensure sponsored links and advertisements are not blocked. For example, the German site Horizont previously reported that Google has included the company in a special Adblock Plus list and pays a certain amount of money for the delivery of advertising blocks. However, the payment amount is not specified. Faida assures that Google, Amazon, Reddit, and some other companies also pay to be on the whitelist.
It is known that in March all applications, including ad blockers, were removed from Google Play. However, official representatives from both sides refuse to comment on the situation. Information about the budget of Adblock Plus, especially financial payments from ordinary users in the form of donations, is also not disclosed.
Whitelist and how to get there
To get on the "whitelist," you must submit an application on the Adblock Plus company's website. After that, the management will analyze the message, checking whether the advertised content meets the criteria of acceptable advertising. After thorough verification, the site may be added to the list. There is also a forum on the site where various issues are actively discussed.
Till Faida claims that many corporations pay the company to support their projects. However, the advertising must meet acceptable norms, which are the same for everyone. However, the Adblock Plus representative does not deny the fact that various aspects are considered in each case. It is possible to get on the whitelist for free. This service may be available for news sites, newspapers, magazines, individual bloggers. The main task of the company is to ensure that the advertising matches the site's theme and is acceptable to both the user and the site owner.
Adblock Plus does not collect any user information and maintains strict confidentiality. About five percent of users ask to disable intrusive advertising, but advertisers believe that such advertising is most effective.
The Adblock Plus website states that users are encouraged to support Do Not Track. The performance is quite modest, and the company is not yet insisting on its proposal.